
Want help becoming a real estate investor?

You’re in the right place.

Today, I’ll share the best real estate investment coaching programs so you can learn from the experts.

These coaches will show you how to build income from real estate and live a financially independent lifestyle.

Sound good? Then, read on.

The best real estate investing coaches 

With the average real estate investor making between $70,000 and $124,000 a year, now is a great time to break into the industry. And hiring a coach can get you there much faster than you would alone. 

With the right coach, you will learn: 

  • How to find your first investment property
  • Where can you find funding 
  • Which real estate investment strategies would work best for you
  • The biggest mistakes to avoid

Plus, without the right guidance, you could lose thousands. 

I learned this the hard way when I lost over $30,000 on my first property because of an avoidable mistake. But I learned from my mistakes, and with hard work, I became financially independent before the age of 31. 

You can learn more about my story in this video:

And if you’re ready to learn the exact blueprint to real estate success, these coaches can help. So, let’s look at the best real estate investment coaching programs to help you kickstart your career. 

Ryan Chaw

I created my real estate investment coaching program to help people achieve financial freedom and fulfillment through real estate investing. 

Through my tailored program, you’ll learn the exact steps I took to create a successful student housing portfolio (rent by the room). 

It’s my mission to help newbie real estate investors like you purchase their first property and succeed.

Take my client, Chetan, for example. He wanted to get into real estate and was ready to buy his first property, but he felt stuck. Within the first week of working with me, he purchased his first property, which now makes $1,500 in cash flow per month. Soon after, he purchased his second. 

Check out his story: 

There’s also my client, Kali. She was using free content to learn but was nervous to go into real estate on her own. With my support, she now makes $4,200 on her first investment property.

See her testimonial here:

If you want my help reaching your real estate goals, you can learn more here.

Laura Alamery 

Laura Alamery is a well-known real estate educator and investor with over 30 years of experience. She focuses on a wide range of strategies like Fix & Flip, Buy & Hold, private equity, and wholesaling. 

Her goal is to help new investors get started with little to no money down. Whether you take her courses or apply for one-on-one mentorship, Laura Alamery is a pro at helping you set up a solid real estate investment business from scratch.

Steven Howell

If you want to learn about wholesaling houses, Steven Howell is the coach for you. 

He helps newbies learn the art of real estate so they can achieve their goals of flexibility and freedom. 

Steven’s 1-on-1 Elite Mentoring Program is for those who are serious about their real estate career and want to make measurable progress. You’ll learn the mechanics of wholesaling houses and a single strategy for a thriving real estate business. 

Chad Carson

Coach Carson helps established real estate investors become more profitable. With over 20 years of experience in the luxury rental property space, his courses and trainings will teach you all you need to know. 

At the moment, he doesn’t offer one-on-one coaching, but he has a group coaching program that gives you exclusive Q&A access to him. 

Note: To benefit from Chad Carson’s work, you need to own at least one rental property already.

Tony Robbins

You’ve probably heard of Tony Robbins. As one of the most famous coaches in the world, his work has impacted millions. But can he also help you become a successful real estate investor?  

He might, with his business coaching program. All you have to do is specify in your application that you’re building a real estate investment business, and you’ll be paired up with an expert who can get you those results.

Note: The Tony Robbins coaching programs don’t give you direct access to him. 

What to look for in a real estate investing coach

So, those are the best real estate investment coaching programs to consider, but how do you know which coach is the right one for you? Here are some things to consider.


Ask yourself: does this coach have experience in the type of real estate I want to invest in?

See, it’s not just about the years of experience a coach has. Although time is important, you’re looking for specific results. So, focus on what your coach has been doing in real estate more than how long they’ve been doing it.


Reviews can tell you so much about a coach. For example, I’m happy to say my coaching program has a 5-star rating on Google.

But good reviews are not just indicators of quality. You can also learn that person’s coaching style and see if it works for you.

Investment style 

Does the investment style and strategy line up with what you’re looking for?

In other words, think about:

  • What type of real estate investing does that coach do?
  • How many properties do they suggest buying?
  • What funding strategies do they recommend?

As an example, I focus on student housing because it made me a millionaire. Learn more about student housing in this article.


Working with a real estate coach is an investment in your future. After all, the strategies you learn from them can give you a 2X, 5X, or even 10X return on your investment (ROI). 

Still, you don’t want to go into debt to pay your coach, so make sure the program is affordable for you. And if not, consider investing in their free content, finding someone who is, or self-study training instead.

Real estate investing thought leaders 

Want to learn from the best of the best in the real estate investing industry? These thought leaders don’t have coaching programs, but they share their knowledge on their platforms. 

I recommend finding thought leaders you resonate with to learn different techniques for success. 

Here are some of my favorites.

Robert Kiyosaki 

You may have heard of Robert Kiyosaki because of his famous book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He’s one of the biggest financial influencers and a successful real estate investor. 

Robert and his wife, Kim, own 12,000 rental properties resulting in an eight-figure real estate empire. 

Through their ebooks, blogs, and videos, the Kiyosakis share their real estate investment strategies so you can follow in their footsteps.

Brandon Turner

Brandon Turner is best known as the former host of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast – he currently hosts the BetterLife Podcast. But as a real estate educator, he has a ton of free resources to help newbies like you get started. 

He even runs a real estate investment firm called Open Door Capital that helps people invest in mobile homes, apartment complexes, and self-storage units.

To start learning from Brandon, try his books or his free textletter. You can even send your real estate questions directly to him.

Grant Cardone 

Grant Cardone is a self-made millionaire, serial entrepreneur, and top-tier real estate investor. If you want to learn from Grant, he has created a suite of educational products at various price points. 

For example, his ebook is an affordable, simplified guide to real estate investment strategy. Or, if you have the funds, consider his group mentoring program for exclusive Q&A access.

Dean Graziosi

A frequent collaborator of Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi is a best-selling author and multimillion-dollar real estate investor. 

Beyond just property, he teaches you about entrepreneurial mindset, confidence, and up-leveling your life. 

If you want specific real estate strategies, Dean’s book, Be A Real Estate Millionaire, is a great place to start.

Alternative ways to learn real estate investing

Coaches aren’t the only way to learn about real estate investing. Whether you aren’t looking for one or can’t pay for it right now, you have options. 

Here’s what they are.

Online courses

Taking an online course can be an easy, affordable way to get the knowledge you need to create a solid real estate investment business. 

For example, my course, Your First Rental, teaches you the six-step system I used to create a profitable business and make over $10,000 a month in rental income. 

This is a great option if you have a demanding 9-5 and want to learn at your own pace. However, coaching is better if you want to ask questions and get personalized one-on-one help.

Mentorship programs

Do you have someone in your network who is successful at real estate investing? Then, they could become your mentor. 

Mentorship is an organic agreement built over time. You can reach out to your mentor for advice, but there’s rarely a structure to help you learn. Because of that, getting a mentor doesn’t mean guaranteed support or results. 

And if you don’t have a mentor? You can find one through networking, but it’s a slow process. I think having a mentor is great, but hiring a coach brings you closer to achieving your goals.

What’s next? 

There you have it! Those are the best real estate investment coaching programs you can take right now. 

Working with a real estate coach can help you avoid some huge mistakes, so I recommend them. 

I went from newbie to six-figure business owner through real estate, and it’s my mission to help others like you do the same.

If you want my help to get started in real estate investing, check out my coaching services.

Read more:

The Best Real Estate Investing Courses (+how to pick one)

How to Find a Real Estate Investing Mentor 

Best Questions to Ask a Real Estate Mentor

About Ryan Chaw

About Ryan Chaw:
Ryan Chaw is a real estate investor with a multi-state and multiple six-figure rental portfolio, which he built on the side of his full-time job. Ryan also teaches others how to buy their first deal and quickly scale to owning multiple properties. Ryan also teaches others how to buy their first deal and quickly scale to owning multiple properties. Read more about Ryan here.